What is the Library Of Things??
The Library Of Things is a collection of items that we here at Rushville Public Library have been working on adding to our catalog. R.P.L's collection has expanded from Nature Backpacks and WIFI Hot-Spots to a variety of baking accessories, yard games, even an outdoor movie screen and projector! Read on to learn more about what you can borrow from our L.O.T!!...
Is The Library Of Things For Kids And Adults??
Yes! Both adults and kids can use their cards to check out things in the L.O.T. Some items only allow adults to check them out though. Kids have access to checking out the Nature Backpacks, Yard Games and Baking Accessories.
Nature Backpacks Include: Butterfly, Bird, Tree and Flower bags, they come with binoculars, guides and other fun accessories to explore outside!
Yard Games Include: Yardzee, Disc Golf and Pickle Ball. These are fun to check out when you know you are going to have family visit, or have a sleep over with friends!
Baking Accessories Include: Bundt Cake Pans, Spring Form Pan, Tortilla Press and even a Cake-Pop Mold!
Adults with a library card have access to all of the L.O.T's. Lets explore more of what we have in our growing collection of things!

Library Of Thing's
We started our Library Of Things with Hot-Spots and Nature Backpacks, since then we have expanded the collection and are still looking for new and fun items to add!
Baking Accessories

Tortilla Presses
Bundt Cake Pans
Spring Form Pan
Soccer Ball Cake Pan
Decorative Rolling Pin
Cake-Pop Molds

Pickle Ball Set For 4 Players
Disc Golf Set

Indiana State Museum Passes
Art Journal
Outdoor Movie Screen & Projector
WIFI Hot Spots

Nature Backpacks
Seed Library
Have An Idea To Add To Our L.O.T's??
Do you have an idea as to something we could add to our Library Of Things?? Stop in and let us know what we could add to our collection!! Looking to donate something to the L.O.T's?? Call or stop in and let us know what you have!! We may be interested!!

How about that?!? Who knew there is so much more to explore and borrow from R.P.L than just books!! Come in today and check out our Library Of Things. You won't be disappointed!!

The Rushville Public Library Would Like To Thank Their Patrons And Community For All Of Their Continued Support.